Agrace’s three thrift stores are resale shops located in southern Wisconsin that provide quality apparel and home furnishings at a fair price. Proceeds from the stores help support services offered by Agrace Hospice & Palliative Care, a nonprofit, community-based health care agency.
A Place to Donate, Shop & Volunteer
The Agrace thrift stores sell quality merchandise donated by the community. The dollars generated help fund essential Agrace programs, such as Care for All (free or discounted care for patients who qualify), specialized staff education and grief support groups that are open to anyone who needs them.
The stores:
give people in the community a place to donate unneeded possessions, receive tax benefits and support a charitable cause;
provide a meaningful volunteer experience that includes training, recognition and the chance to work alongside other dedicated volunteers;
offer shoppers good values and an exceptional thrift shopping experience—with clean, bright stores and quality gently used merchandise; and
build awareness of Agrace’s supportive services for people facing serious and life-limiting illnesses.