Highway Pickers started out as an old abandoned building. After doing some traveling, the inspiration for Highway Pickers was born. With a lot of hard work, this building was transformed into a spacious 3 floor antique mall. Highway Pickers opened it's doors June 2013!
But this is not where the story ends. During this time, the owner's daughter, Crystal (Keller) Adcock and her husband Christopher Adcock were stationed in Tampa, Florida at MacDill Air Force Base. Crystal and Chris were high school sweethearts and newly weds. Christopher served 8 years as an active duty military soldier, as Crystal furthered her education and became a dental hygienist.
In 2015 they were able to return home to Alabama! Even though they both had great careers in their trained fields, they were looking for new and different opportunities. After visiting her dad's place, Highway Pickers, the young couple quickly felt they had found what they were searching for. They decided to invest their money earned from their previous careers into purchasing and running Highway Pickers!! They took over ownership January 1st 2016!
So what started out as one man's dream and inpsiration has now turned into a family business and a continued dream!