Little Red Truck?

As most of you know the “little red truck fad” is going crazy this holiday decorating season and I love it! I have waited a little late in ordering a truck or finding the one that is unique enough for what I was wanting. I wanted it to hold those cute little Christmas trees just like everyone else, but having no luck, an idea popped in my head! I remembered that an elderly gentleman had given my son his vintage trucks from the 1950’s! So, of course, now I am a mad woman racing through the house looking in closets, boxes, storage bins, etc., and then I found them! I was so excited; I had to run right over to the store for the mini Christmas trees to put in the truck bed! Unfortunately, there were not any mini Christmas trees, so this means I have to get creative. I found mini gingerbread houses, mini candy cane trees, and I know I have mini boxes and wrapping paper at home! That was all it took to make this unique little decorative inspiration come to life! I wrapped small boxes and made cute bows for them, peppermint candy, and the tiny candy cane Christmas trees, and the tiny gingerbread houses and put them in the back of these vintage trucks! They make the cutest centerpieces for my kitchen island.  The moral to the story is to get creative this Christmas! Vintage is always a go to even if you can’t find the perfect little red truck!